September 18-20, Ovronnaz, Switzerland.
Support: NSF Macrosystems, Swiss National Foundation
Organizers: Jim Heffernan ([email protected])
Tom Battin ([email protected])
Apply to attend and to receive financial support
Scientific goals: This workshop aims to advance our conceptual and technical understanding of the dynamics of respiration in streams. Before, during, and after the workshop, working groups of participants will:
- Develop a cross-system conceptual model of heterotrophic regimes
- Empirically link the timing of respiration to spatial and temporal variation in OM inputs
- Evaluate temperature effects on respiration
- Evaluate the frequency, duration, and extent of hypoxia in rivers
- Integrate O2 and CO2 time series into statistical models of metabolism
- Review and develop approaches to link heterotrophic regimes to microbial and metazoan communities
Cost of attendance is travel and hotel; there is no registration fee.
Funds from the US NSF are available to support attendance of:
-Junior Scientists (Undergrad through postdoc), especially members of under-represented groups
-Faculty at Minority Serving Institutions
-Potential collaborators and contributors to the StreamPULSE database
-Via the Swiss National Foundation, we can support attendance of non-US participants
To participate in the workshop, contact Jim Heffernan ([email protected]) and Tom Battin ([email protected]).